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David W. Bulla’s first book, Lincoln’s Censor, from Purdue University Press, tells the story of Brigadier General Milo S. Hascall and newspaper editors like Daniel E. “Ed” VanValkenburgh of the Plymouth Weekly Democrat in northern Indiana in 1863. Hascall would suppress his newspaper and several other Democratic journals in Indiana in 1863.
First Amendment law expert Jeffery A. Smith of the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee on Lincoln's Censor (in Journalism History): "Lincoln's Censor includes a useful bibliographic essay on the topic [of Lincoln and suppression] that indicates some of the differing interpretations by scholars. Bulla finds a temporary 'chiling effect' in Indiana but concludes that the tradition of press freedom 'survived' the many episodes of intimidation, violence, and suppression that occurred during the Civil War. Still, even if the assaults on civil liberties were fleeting and happened in a time of excrutiating turmoil, dangerous precedents were set for censorship in later conflicts."
An overview of how journalism worked in the Civil War from David W. Bulla and Gregory A. Borchard: Journalism in the Civil War Era (Peter Lang. 2010). ISBN: 978-1-4331-0722-1. LOC Number: E609.B83.
Check out David Sachsman and David W. Bulla's Sensationalism (from Transaction Publishers). ISBN: 978-1-4128-5171-8
From 2016: David W. Bulla and Gregory A. Borchard's Lincoln Mediated: The President and the Press through Nineteenth-Century Media (from Transaction Publishers). ISBN: 978-1-4128-5570-9.
Dr. Bulla is now working on a book about Mohandas K. Gandhi and journalism with Chandrika Kaul of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Abraham Lincoln
Oliver P. Morton
Edwin M. Stanton
Ambrose E. Burnside